Like every medical procedure, abortion carries a list of potential risks. While no one can predict how your body will respond to an abortion, understanding the associated risks can aid you in determining if abortion is the right choice for you.
If you choose to abort your pregnancy, being aware of the risks can protect your health by alerting you to warning signs of complications
Medical abortion, sometimes referred to as “the abortion pill,” is a process of taking two drugs to terminate the pregnancy.
The first pill in the procedure is mifepristone. It blocks the progesterone a pregnancy needs to continue thriving. Without progesterone, the embryo or fetus detaches from the wall of the uterus, terminating the pregnancy.
Next, the woman takes misoprostol to induce contractions in the uterus. As the uterus contracts (squeezes), the embryo or fetus and the supportive tissues are expelled through the vagina
All drugs have side effects. The side effects of a medical abortion include:
In addition to side effects, the following are risks of medical abortion:
Surgical abortion is an outpatient procedure, usually at the provider’s clinic. Surgical tools of increasing diameter are used to dilate (open) the cervix. The provider then uses suction to remove the pregnancy from the uterus.
Pregnancies that are further along require additional instruments.
Commonly, women experiencing a surgical abortion will have the following side effects:
Mild cramping
Light bleeding
Additionally, women experiencing a surgical abortion are at risk for the following:
For her safety, a woman must understand the possible complications of a medical or surgical abortion. She should reach out to medical support if she experiences any of the following symptoms:
Learn more about abortion procedures by discussing your options during a free options consultation. We have come alongside thousands of women seeking information and guidance for their unexpected pregnancy. Schedule an appointment to get started.
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